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New Thought is a spiritually motivated way of life

that embraces the ancient wisdom traditions of east and west.

We embody the belief that consciousness is elementally creative and reciprocates thought, inspiring us

to co-create with the Divine to shape the realities of our lives.  AGNT is committed to global healing

achieved through personal transformation, community-building, interfaith, intercultural, and

interdisciplinary understanding, and compassionate activism.


Something has been stirring in the collective unconscious of humanity, now finding its way to the surface of Oneness though conscious, awakened beings everywhere. On the leading edge of this awakening is the NEW THOUGHT MOVEMENT. The Association for Global New Thought (AGNT) is working in alliance with spiritually grounded and socially motivated individuals and groups around the planet to celebrate and amplify the One Power in which we all exist. While some call it God and others use words like Universe, Presence, Self, Brahma, Atman, Allah, Source, Life, Infinite One, I AM, Being, the Whole, Divine Mind, the Beloved, Great Spirit, or Creator, this many-named Power is universally known and accessible to every human being.

  • The earth is part of a Living Universe and, together, we comprise a whole system that begins and ends in transcendence.

  • We abhor and oppose practices of abuse and cruelty toward any sentient being, whether motivated by lack of mindfulness or deliberate exploitation and greed.

  • Where there is division of opinions, beliefs and worldviews, we embrace understanding of the gifts of diversity.

  • Where there is fear of “the other,” we stand for inclusivity and respectful acceptance of everyone’s right to create the life of his or her choosing.

  • Where there is oppression and hatred, we endeavor to restore balance by standing for justice, compassion and forgiveness.

  • We pledge to respect, and advocate for the equal well-being and civil freedom of every human being.  

  • Any proposal or action that seeks to discriminate against individuals or classes of individuals based on prejudiced, stereotypic profiles of national origin, class, creed, race, ethnicity, physical ability or sexual orientation is in opposition to our core beliefs and values.


The NEW THOUGHT MOVEMENT is speaking with a new and unified voice about a world that works through everyone; not out of anger and violence, but in mindful reverence. We are evolving through the effective, compassionate and conscious engagement of human beings compelled by the sacred awareness of     our unity with all life. Individuals and families form communities and society. Every human being has something to contribute along with needs and rights to be nurtured and supported. NEW THOUGHT is calling in its unified power NOW. The ripple effect in the collective consciousness of humankind is palpable. There is a global tide rising up to awaken and activate the sacred sameness that transcends the illusion of our differences.

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New Thought is a spiritually motivated way of life that embraces the ancient wisdom traditions of east and west. We embody the belief that consciousness is elementally creative, reciprocates thought, and allows us to co-create with the Divine to shape the reality of our lives.  AGNT is committed to global healing achieved through personal transformation, community-building, interfaith, intercultural, and interdisciplinary understanding, and compassionate activism.



1103 Creekside Way Unit C

Ojai, CA 93023

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