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How this Program Works in Your Center or Group

Beginning the program with topic module #1, the notes given below explain the basic steps to prepare for and conduct each topic. The next dates given below are for modules #2-4, which follow the same basic set of instructions.


We realize that all ministers coming on board may not be able to meet exact dates. Nor is it required that you address the modules in the suggested order given here. Your participation is highly valued and we suggest that you create you own meeting dates based on the steps given below, starting or continuing with the one of the three working topics most relevant to you at this time.


Modules #1–4 resources will remain available, and 5 more topics will be added for 2020.


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Module #1: Gun Responsibility & Healing Violence

The FIRST of NINE modules in the S.U.M. (Spiritually-guided Social Uplift Ministry) curriculum in 2019 & 2020 will be Gun Responsibility & Healing Violence.


PLEASE NOTE: The nine themes presented in this curriculum will provide general information to educate your community on some major issues that directly affect us all. Depending on their unique skills and passions, different members of your community will be attracted to specific themes. We encourage "dig deeper" groups to continue after the initial three sessions of a module for those who wish to move into further exploration and strategic plans of action. These issue-based groups will be supported in their continuing efforts, and connected collaboratively to one another through AGNT.  

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Step 1

Please take time to read our OVERVIEW of the entire S.U.M. curriculum and give thought to the value this program for your congregation or community. Browsing this tool will take approximately 15 minutes. Discuss with key members of your group to get their input and assess possibilities for participation.

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Step 2

Ministers and group leaders should SIGN IN, and get access to the "scripts" for facilitating each of the three sessions in Module #1: Gun Responsibility & Healing Violence. It is suggested that these group sessions take place over the course of approximately 6 weeks.

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Step 3

Download (PDF) the first theme in the S.U.M. curriculum for Module #1: Gun Responsibility & Healing Violence. This file can be printed in as many copies as you need AND/OR, saved for projection onto a large screen for leading your group. Video links of AGNT leaders introducing the theme are already embedded in the PDF for projection in your sessions (you will need a screen and audio connection to speakers). Curriculum is FREE to AGNT individual and organizational members. Link at right gives the opportunity to become a member and obtain password.

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Step 4

SCRIPTS for the three sessions of Module #1 available to ministers for your preparation.

Promotional materials available for download to spread the word in your center, congregation, and community. Descriptive text about the program, its benefits and meaning to those who participate, will be provided along with social media graphics and web links. You will personalize contact information for your center.

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Step 5

FIRST MEETING IN YOUR CENTER - Module #1: Gun Responsibility & Healing Violence

SCRIPT #1 is provided in materials folder

Minister's Message & Welcome

Video introduction (AGNT Leaders)

Fact Sheet Circles

Dialogue on Spiritual Principles

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Step 6

SECOND MEETING - Module #1: Gun Responsibility & Healing Violence

SCRIPT #2 is provided in materials folder

Minister's Summary

Video Message (AGNT Leaders)

Dialogue Questions for Small Groups:

Critical Opportunities, Guiding Principles, Transformative Practices, Social Embodiment

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Step 7

THIRD MEETING - Module #1: Gun Responsibility & Healing Violence

SCRIPT #3 is provided in materials folder

Minister's Summary


Creative Action Steps


** Formation of a “Dig Deeper” group dedicated to this topic

NOTE: Minister, facilitator or representative REGISTERS (free) "Dig Deeper" group with AGNT HERE Once you register, a facilitator form AGNT will contact you about how to support your group's efforts.

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Step 8

Ministers and/or group leaders report in about their experience. They are encouraged to share their center's PLEDGES, along with creative possibilities for further action.


Go to:


Also at this time, ministers or their representatives should begin to review orientation and details of Module #2: Religious Diversity & Inclusion.

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Module #2: Religious Diversity & Inclusion

The SECOND of NINE modules in the S.U.M. (Spiritually-guided Social Uplift Ministry) curriculum is Religious Diversity & Inclusion. 


General Listing of Steps for Module #2

Step 1 - SIGN IN. Promotional materials are available for your use.




Step 5 - Completion for ministers and REPORT IN

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Module #3: Healing Racism & Upholding Ethnic Fairness

The THIRD of NINE modules in the S.U.M. (Spiritually-guided Social Uplift Ministry) curriculum in 2019 is Healing Racism & Upholding Ethnic Fairness.


General Listing of Dates for Module #3

Step 1 - SIGN IN. Promotional materials are available for your use.




Step 5 - Completion for ministers and REPORT IN


Module #4: Homelessness & Poverty

The FOURTH of NINE modules in the S.U.M. (Spiritually-guided Social Uplift Ministry) curriculum in 2019 is Homelessness & Poverty.


General Listing of Dates for Module #4

Step 1 - SIGN IN. Promotional materials are available for your use.




Step 5 - Completion for ministers and REPORT IN

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S.U.M. Curriculum Topics published on request

The remaining five modules will be offered on request. Contact AGNT:


  • Climate Truth

  • Women's Issues and Rights

  • Immigration and Refugee Rights

  • Health Care

  • Gender and Sexual Identity & Expression​


New Thought is a spiritually motivated way of life that embraces the ancient wisdom traditions of east and west. We embody the belief that consciousness is elementally creative, reciprocates thought, and allows us to co-create with the Divine to shape the reality of our lives.  AGNT is committed to global healing achieved through personal transformation, community-building, interfaith, intercultural, and interdisciplinary understanding, and compassionate activism.



1103 Creekside Way Unit C

Ojai, CA 93023

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