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Sacred Journey. Sacred Connection.

Jerrie Paul answers our question from Center for Spiritual Living, Seattle's journey to Egypt:

What is the blessing that most inspires your gratitude this year and in what does it teach you about your ability to co-create a more awakened society?

"I’m in Egypt with Center For Spiritual Living Seattle, with Dallas and California mixed in. I was called to be here while in meditation, strongly called. Finances just showed up. Travel for me has always been about Connection, meeting and embracing those of other cultures, languages, Spiritual traditions. Joining with my communities to explore ancient sacred sites and deepen in Love, play, laughter and support has been beyond all expectations. Deep gratitude for this beautiful experience."

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New Thought is a spiritually motivated way of life that embraces the ancient wisdom traditions of east and west. We embody the belief that consciousness is elementally creative, reciprocates thought, and allows us to co-create with the Divine to shape the reality of our lives.  AGNT is committed to global healing achieved through personal transformation, community-building, interfaith, intercultural, and interdisciplinary understanding, and compassionate activism.



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