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“So many people pray and pray and pray. They don’t get action. Our bodies need to be acted upon. It is not altogether praying, but it is doing.

You must do something.”

~ Charles Fillmore

“(One’s) mind should swing from inspiration to action, from contemplation to accomplishment,

from prayer to performance.”

~ Ernest Holmes

It is past the time to move beyond the conversation about whether New Thought organizations and spiritual communities should be active in spiritually motivated social engagement. It is time to put our energy into being the best version of ourselves and our teaching as we do engage. Now is the time. We see the world crying out for healing and, by failing to engage, to act, we fail to be true to our principles.

Through the SUM Program (Social Uplift Ministries), AGNT and other New Thought organizations are offering a way to engage from a place of spiritual principle. We are invited to engage because we see the possibilities of love, compassion, and wisdom in our world and we refuse to accept anything less.

Each ministry, each individual can respond to the issue or issues which call to them by using the SUM curriculum and by doing spiritual practice in preparation for action. And that action is to be examples of love – in conversations, in demonstrations, at civic meetings and hearings – wherever community is making decisions or being in conflict.

“You cannot let all the world’s tragedies into your heart. You’ll drown.

But the ones you do let in should count.

Let them manifest action.”

~ Lin-Manuel Miranda

With education and training in the issues and how to act in support of our principles come the courage to act from a consciousness of trust and wisdom. Whether you stand for children, for an end to violence, for compassion in government and business, or for justice, you stand prepared. And you do not stand alone. Acting on principles takes courage and courage is what heroes have.ctions in accordance with our spiritual principles are taken with intelligence and integrity, that conditions improve.

“The hero is engaged in life The hero is not the one who displays force and muscle without deep insight or the courage to be. The hero may not look heroic from the outside but may go through powerful developments in a quiet way. The difference is that the real hero engages life and reflects on it.

She becomes more and more what he or she is destined to be.”

~ Thomas Moore

Seeing a greater truth is a first step. Acting in alignment with that vision to bring that truth into actuality is the step The SUM curriculum is designed my people in New Thought to bring our principles to the world as examples of what is possible. To be the compassionate voice in the often-contentious conversation. To hold the high watch within while standing in support of ideals of peace and compassion in the streets or on the courthouse steps. We in New Thought have been in hiding too long. We possess knowledge of the principles of peace and wisdom, of manifesting the highest possibilities and healing the greatest pain. It is time for us to stand with others and bring this energy into the activities of our communities, our states, our nations and the world.

So, consume the SUM curriculum – make the time, put it on your calendar, show up and encourage others to show up. And all the while, do your spiritual practices. Prepare to stand with courage despite the fear so that we can truly cocreate a world that works for everyone – not as an abstract metaphysical concept, but as an actualized reality. Now is the time.

“Continuing to do pioneering sacred work in a world as crazy and painful as ours

without constantly grounding yourself in a sacred practice would be like

running into a forest fire dressed only in a paper tutu.”

~ Marion Woodman

The links and information you need are here. Speak to those in your spiritual community to join in or do it as an individual.

Here is what you can do:

1. Join AGNT and access the SUM Program as an individual.

2. Encourage your spiritual leaders to bring the SUM curriculum into your spiritual community. This can be for the entire community or as small group ministries.

3. Tell others about this opportunity to get involved.

PROGRAM STARTS NOW. Follow these simple steps:

Participating churches and centers are invited to EXPLORE the S.U.M. curriculum:

PROGRAM OFFICIALLY BEGINS FEBRUARY 20, 2019. If these dates are not suitable, please SIGN IN and share in “comments” field for special assistance.

The S.U.M. curriculum is FREE to members of AGNT -- both to Individual Members ($50/yr) and Organizational Members ($250/yr which includes 5 individual account for minister and key members of their community).

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New Thought is a spiritually motivated way of life that embraces the ancient wisdom traditions of east and west. We embody the belief that consciousness is elementally creative, reciprocates thought, and allows us to co-create with the Divine to shape the reality of our lives.  AGNT is committed to global healing achieved through personal transformation, community-building, interfaith, intercultural, and interdisciplinary understanding, and compassionate activism.



1103 Creekside Way Unit C

Ojai, CA 93023

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